

I used to do a fair amount of speaking, participating on panels, and contributing to articles. Not so much anymore, but a lot here is still relevant and shows you that I know stuff about things, so there’s that.




The Most Pressing Advertising Issues Facing In-House Retail Counsel Today / Retail Law Conference / October 2021

Make it Make Cents: Protecting Your Business | #IRLCONN | May 2019

Media by Andrei Yushchenko from the Noun Project

Legal Q&A | Craft Industry Alliance | May 2018

Know Your Rights | Freelancer's Union | June 2017

Private Lives, Public Spaces: A conversation on privacy, anonymity, and safe spaces online | DVAP Advisory Group | 2014

There for the Taking: Protecting your intellectual property and avoiding infringement | DVAP Advisory Group

Drive More Revenue from Your Social Strategy | PivotCon | 2012

Stand with Planned Parenthood: A Crisis Response | SXSW Interactive | 2012
